Speak Your Peace
Simple Principles
Year Established
Speak Your Peace
You love this place; so do we. You might notice we say that a lot. That is because there are so many of us who have our own unique history, experience, and vision for what Tahoe Truckee was, is, and should be. To expect for all of us to think alike would not be reasonable or honor who we are. In 2008, TTCF launched the Speak Your Peace (SYP) campaign to encourage civil discourse in civic engagement. More than 1,000 individuals and 40 regional institutions, including the hospital, Town and Counties adopted this framework. Upon community request, TTCF has revived and adapted SYP. We are pleased to begin sharing it with our community. It’s time to recommit to the pledge!
Check out the webpage, print the poster, and pass a resolution to commit to Speak Your Peace by clicking below.
The purpose of Speak Your Peace is to encourage a higher level of civility in our public conversations. Without civility we risk losing people willing to run for elected office. We risk people not participating in important conversations. We risk the very basics of democracy. We are not seeking to end disagreements or stymie debate. In fact, real civility challenges us to listen and identify the differences that separate us.
TTCF’s 2009 Board of Directors

To learn more about our community impact and how you can partner with us to make a difference, contact Stacy Caldwell at stacy@ttcf.net.