Make it Pencil Pencil
Make it Pencil Pencil


Often, when learning about some of the toughest challenges that our community faces…housing, forest management, and sufficient support for our families, we hear the term “it doesn’t pencil.” This applies to workforce housing that isn’t tied to market forces, scaling the pace and scale of forest thinning projects, or something as simple as accessing mental health resources in our rural community. These all come with a significant price tag. And, unfortunately, traditional forms of funding simply can’t make these projects pencil.

That is where philanthropy plays a role. By securing flexible, nimble funds from the generosity of our donors, TTCF structures new ways for solutions to become a reality. Our grantmaking and impact investing can be catalytic when we take early stage risk or inspire other funding to the table. Sometimes it is regenerative when we provide a line of credit, concessionary investments, or subordinate debt.

TTCF has a legacy of projects that support these kinds of solutions for our community. From the establishment of Community House in Kings Beach, to launching several social enterprises that accelerate housing solutions, to investments in the future of our forests, you can see our impact.

TTCF’s Impact Portfolio works across a spectrum of solutions that focus on our people and place. Thank you for joining us in this important work to “make it pencil.”

Ever forward,

Stacy Caldwell, CFRE
Chief Executive Officer

To learn more about our community impact and how you can partner with us to make a difference, contact Stacy Caldwell at

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