Spring is a time of renewal, of opening our doors and windows and welcoming the world back in. This spring feels like a reconnection to community and our commitment to one another after years of precaution. We’re refreshed to see so many events resume and be well attended. Excitement is certainly in the air. What better time to recommit to engaging in civil discourse as a community with the Speak Your Peace Campaign below?
Civil discourse is essential to how we live, play, and serve our region together. This theme of intentional collaboration is a throughline in this Report. The challenges that our region faces can feel insurmountable for a small, rural community with limited resources. Large funders and government agencies often focus their efforts in populated areas where each dollar can drive a higher metric. So we must work together to move towards a shared vision of a healthy, thriving environment and community.
Ever forward with gratitude!

Stacy Caldwell, CFRE
Chief Executive Officer
To learn more about our community impact and how you can partner with us to make a difference, contact Stacy Caldwell at