Median home price
Average days
on market
Truckee and E. Placer County renters housed through Landing Locals
As a small mountain community, we face housing issues like the rest of the country. Yet our realities and solutions are different from our urban and suburban neighbors. After many years of hard work, collaborating across a region with 3 jurisdictions and more than 17 special districts, the Mountain Housing Council (MHC), a partnership of nearly 30 local organizations, businesses and public agencies, celebrated emerging strategies for implementation at its January Council Meeting. View the full meeting recording here to learn more!
Some highlights of our regional progress include:
- In 2021, the Mountain Housing Council released the Regional Housing Implementation Plan, which included new, updated housing data, addressed gaps and challenges in the system, and provided a blueprint for facilitating more housing in the region.
- The businesses of North Tahoe and the voters of the Town of Truckee worked to secure new sources of funding to address our housing crisis.
- The Housing Hub will launch in 2023 and is focused on streamlining and advocating for small-mid size developers focused on missing middle housing. Watch this clip to learn more.
- The Truckee Tahoe Workforce Housing Agency announced a new strategic plan that expands its mission to serve the broader workforce and creates a new housing fund. Watch this clip to learn more.
- The Supportive Housing and Homelessness Working Group has advanced discussion around the needs of our most vulnerable community members and is supporting the launch of an advisory council to focus on a community strategic plan moving forward. Watch this clip to learn more.
- Nearly 500 housing units have been built, or are in progress to be built, while more than 100 of our existing units have welcomed new workforce tenants.
As you can see, a lot has happened since we launched the MHC. Our region has built leadership, strategy and aligned resources to face this crisis that is complex with solutions that are slow. This work could not happen without our partners.
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