CEO Stacy Caldwell and Program Director Kristina Kind traveled to the State Capitol to lobby on behalf of a bill that will promote affordable housing throughout the Tahoe-Truckee region and other rural communities.
Regional Median Home Price
Locals found housing in E. Placer County and Truckee via Placemate (since inception/2019)
Members of the Policy Working Group collaborated to write in changes to SB 440, a housing bill introduced by Senator Nancy Skinner regarding Regional Housing Finance Authorities. These changes would allow Regional Housing Finance Authorities to create their own sub-regional Area Median Income (AMI), which, in our region, could provide assistance to households earning up to 150-160% AMI. Watch this clip from Mountain Housing Council’s April Quarterly Meeting to learn more.
In June, representatives of the Mountain Housing Council visited our state’s Capitol to testify in support of SB 440. The bill will directly benefit the Tahoe-Truckee community by giving more opportunities for our local governments and special districts to work together as a Regional Housing Finance Authority. SB 440 also embeds the ability to create a local definition of “affordable” when it comes to funding housing.

I am so grateful for your help getting this bill through policy committees!
Josh WrightLegislative Aide Senator Nancy Skinner, 9th District