TTCF and USFS Deputy Forest Supervisor, Matt Jedra, walk community members through the forest to showcase thinning treatments.
$5.4 M
Raised to date
$1.85 M
$1.9 M
Granted from CAL FIRE to be redistributed
Projects and
Build forest
Accelerate market
Forest Walks
Throughout the summer, TTCF and a variety of forestry experts hosted small Forest Walks around the North Tahoe area to teach community members about healthy forests and the steps we can take to protect our region from catastrophic wildfire. Over the six walks, there were 100 community members in attendance.
TTCF and USFS Deputy Forest Supervisor, Matt Jedra, walk community members through the forest to showcase thinning treatments.
One walk, hosted in partnership with Truckee Fire District, specifically focused on engaging Firewise Community Leaders and educating them on the new resources that would be available through the Cal Fire program.
Forest Futures Salons
In September, we resumed our Forest Futures Salons with an event focused on the challenges and opportunities we are facing with workforce development. There were 85 registrants and the speakers included:
Jessica Morse, Deputy Secretary, Forest & Wildland Resilience, California Natural Resources Agency
Carlie Murphy, Forestry Education Grant Manager, Lake Tahoe Community College
Jeffrey Clary, Sr. Director of Climate Strategies, Foundation for California Community Colleges
Watch the recording and register for our next salon here.
Welcome Anne Graham!
At the end of August, TTCF hired Anne Graham as our new Forest Futures Program Coordinator. Anne will be focused on implementing the CAL FIRE Wildfire Resilience
Block Grant Program, as well as helping build a community support program for Firewise and Fire Adapted Community efforts. Anne has a B.S. in Environmental Science from Santa Clara University and has served two AmeriCorps terms at the UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center, as well as an internship with the Truckee River Watershed Council.
Sierra Sun: Forest health partners deploy new technology to help reduce wildfire threats
Sierra Sun: Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation receives $1.9M from Cal Fire
Sierra Sun: LTCC forestry, fire programs received funds for scholarships, equipment
Snow Brains: Big win for wildfire fuel reduction projects in Olympic Valley, CA | funding approved