
Meals provided (March
2020 – Sept 2022- Sierra Community House)


Community members supported by the Mental Health Services Act (from July  1, 2021-June 30, 2022)


Respite Day Center guest visits (July 2021 – June 2022, North Tahoe Truckee Homeless Services)

Mental Wellness Partners Annual Update

School and community-based family and youth strengthening programs are effective in reducing the incidence, prevalence, and impact of mental health issues and promote wellness in the community. In September, Tahoe Truckee partners funded through the Mental Health Services Act came together to provide an annual update to the Campaign for Community Wellness. In total, over 800 community members have been supported by their services (from July  1, 2021-June 30, 2022).

Resource Sharing Meetings

This quarter’s monthly Resource Sharing Meetings were focused on white supremacy culture, Community Organizations Active in Disaster and the Community Health Needs Assessment. There were 24 agencies in attendance with an average of 55 participants per meeting. Spanish interpretation was available. Check out the recordings and meeting summaries here.

Community Presentations

On Tuesday, November 1, the Community Collaborative presented at the NLTRA’s Breakfast Club. Watch the presentation here (01:01:40)